The Internet is a vast space...
Other Neocities pages


Cool websites I like
Crap From The Past - A very amusing radio show that plays crap, hence the title. (est. 1992)
The Ramen Rater - Some guy's blog where he posts reviews of instant ramen noodles from all over the world.
My 90s Tv - For those who never shut up about being a 90s kid, alternatively there's also an 80s version too
Windows 93 - Ever wanted to run Windows 98 on your browser... but with more vaporwave aesthetics?
Anime Theme - Same thing as Windows 93, only with more late 90s anime and final fantasy
Toonami Digital Arsenal - Online library of clips and music used for Cartoon Network's Toonami block Curse you copyright!
Titans Tower - Database website regarding everything Teen Titans related, both comic and television
Realms of Gold - A blog about a stuffed animal hospital detailing many stories about its patients. An absolutely wholesome experience.
Ghost of The Doll - ID website for various "girl" toys from the 80s to 2000s
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Now who's this handsome little man?
This here is Toulouse, he might not be the best when it comes to guarding web pages.. but he does make for a good companion! I found Toulouse on an abandoned adoption site you would see a lot of back in the day. There are still many other survivors left behind, they've been looking for a home for almost 20 years now... why don't you finally give them one?